Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Food for thought

"When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need."

When I make certain entries on this blog, do I sound like I eat perfectly? I hope I am not giving you that impression because I certainly do not (case in point: the box of Whoppers I ate while watching a certain trashy show about the people who inhabit the coastline of my home state). I want to make it clear that I try my best to eat whole foods that are good for me, but I am still human and it doesn't always happen.

I like the quote above because of its accuracy. Good food is truly the best medicine. When I am eating healthy foods consistently for a while, my body feels fabulous, I have tons of energy, and life is good. Even if I slip up for a measly day or two, my body can feel the difference. I am cranky and lethargic and bloated. Yuck! As I've been traveling on this nutritional journey, I am becoming more aware of how food affects my body and I am so grateful for that awareness!

When it comes to eating meat, I've heard people say that when they don't eat meat for awhile and then have a burger or the like, they feel heavy, crabby, and flat out gross. And when I initially gave up eating meat last year, I remember this feeling of calm and lightness that came over my body. It's amazing how food has this power over us. Let's try to make the choices that leave us feeling happy and healthy!

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