Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Green goodness

This past week has been really good for me in terms of eating. We've been juicing every day, eating lots of big salads, I haven't had coffee since Sunday and I haven't been snacking on anything sugary. Plus I've eaten 100% vegan this week (save for the one hard boiled egg I had the other morning). And here's the thing: I feel fantastic! Even with a jam packed week and a child who asks "why" questions every one of his waking moments, I feel like I have a ton of energy. So in the midst of this I ask myself, "Why don't I eat like this all the time?" For some reason, it's been really easy for me this week to make good choices in the food department. So why isn't it always like that? For instance, I know how I feel when I have a sugary coffee from Starbucks (crappy and jittery!) so why do I sometimes go and get those drinks? I also know that the graham crackers in my cabinet (the blue box, Eric!) have partially hydrogenated something or other in them, so why do I sometimes choose to snack on them until a whole sleeve is gone? I guess there are often factors in our lives that make us turn toward the comfort of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, whatever! But the thing that has helped me this week is 1) knowing how good I feel right now, powered by plants, 2) setting an example for my son, and 3) really looking at myself as a valuable person who needs to put things into my body that are going to keep it healthy, happy, and strong. This third part has been the most important. There were definitely times during the week when that blue box of graham crackers were calling out to me. But instead, I chose to turn to the container of raspberries in the fridge. When you put good stuff (the real good stuff, not the stuff that simply fulfills a sugar craving) into your body, you ultimately become what you are eating and you feel good about yourself for making good choices!

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