Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Let Food (and Yoga!) Be Thy Medicine

I have my first cold of the season. Actually, it's the first cold I've had in a long time and I don't like it! Obviously, no one likes being sick but because I try to take good care of myself with diet and exercise, I can sometimes feel like I'm immune to all the bugs going around. This cold hasn't been too bad, but it is here nonetheless.

The thing I do like about getting sick is that it makes me realize that something is out of balance and it forces me to attend to that. In looking at this particular cold, I realize that I've been a bit stressed of late and also worked out a little too hard the past two weeks, stressing my immune system. My diet also hasn't been the best, really since Halloween. I mean, overall it's pretty good but I've definitely had too much sugar for my own good and I know that contributes to lowering immune function.

So now comes the time to reevaluate. When I got this cold, I started to go into healing mode, doing things that make myself feel better. This week, I've kicked up the green juice (I swear it clears up my sinuses for a couple hours when I do this), eaten immune-boosting foods like mushrooms, onions, and garlic (literally that's what I had for dinner last night) and big salads, and relaxed with some gentle yoga and meditation. All of these things are contributing to my kicking this cold in the butt!

Next time you come down with something, take the time to step back and look at the aspects of your life that could be contributing to how you feel. If it is simply a bug that you caught from being around a lot of germy people, think about how you can nurture your body with life-giving foods and practices and then make those things a part of your everyday life!

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