Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Your Comfort Zone

Today I stepped out of my comfort zone, and I feel great!

I've done a number of sprint triathlons over the past four years, but today was my first long course race. Sprint races are typically made of a 500 meter swim, 11 to 13 mile bike, and a 5K run. Long courses are approximately double that distance, give or take. The sprint triathlons were becoming comfortable to the point that I was actually placing in some of them. Today it was time to move on and try something new.

Ultimately, the swim is what moved me out of my comfort zone today. In the past, I dreaded the swim and couldn't wait to get on my bike and, more so, to the run. So when I stepped out of the water after swimming almost 1000 meters feeling fantastic I knew I had overcome a major mental obstacle. The bike and run definitely pushed me to my limits (as it was really hot here today) but I made sure to enjoy the journey, taking in the beautiful farms I passed and appreciating the encouraging fans cheering us up a big hill.

There are always challenges in life, sometimes every day. Personal success comes when you change your mind and decide to have a positive attitude about those challenges. Sure, that mile long hill was no fun on a bike that was having gear trouble, but I decided to enjoy it nonetheless. Taking the step to move beyond what you are used to will help you grow as a person. I don't even know what my race results are yet (I didn't wear a watch), but I feel like my own personal hero. Choose to do something healthy for yourself today, and maybe something that makes you take that extra step out of your comfort zone!

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