Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Easier than you think

After having a week or so of not eating my best (and certainly paying for it with mood swings and an upset stomach), I needed to get back on track to my healthy diet. And to take it one step further, I determined that I would eat completely vegan today. I have been vegetarian since September of last year, and when I made that commitment, I did not think that being vegan was in the realm of possibility. After reading more about it and becoming versed in the many options available to vegans, I've decided to work toward the goal of living a vegan lifestyle. This might take longer than switching to vegetarianism (which I did overnight), but it is a goal worthwhile to me. Anyway, I was successful today in eating completely vegan and it was easier (and tastier) than I thought it would be! Here is what my menu looked like:

Oatmeal topped with ground flax seed, cinnamon, and strawberries. Ezekiel toast with almond butter. Two kiwi. Water. Green tea.

Snack: Apple with walnuts.

Lunch: (Out at Eden Alley Cafe, a vegetarian restaurant in KC): Sweet potato burrito over a bed of fresh mixed greens. Peppermint lemonade. Slice of vegan espresso cake (okay, not exactly healthy, but I had to try a vegan dessert).

Snack: Lara bar (available at Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, online, and in other stores).

Dinner: Black beans over quinoa topped with 1/2 an avocado. Asparagus. Peach for dessert.

In the past, I thought of vegans as deprived. How can you not eat meat, cheese, and dairy. With a little effort and education, I am beginning to see just how easy and tasty it is. And I must say, I feel much better today than I did yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. I always felt like Vegans were deprived, but since I started my Vegan journey I eat more of a variety and tasty food then ever!!!
