Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Finding that something

Much of this blog so far has been about nutrition, but I also want to focus on another important aspect of wellness: exercise. Overall, good nutrition is your best bet when it comes to feeling good and staying healthy. But physical activity can bring you such a sense of well-being and satisfaction. And there are so many things you can choose from when it comes to exercise! The simplest thing to do is walk. You don't have to join a gym or use fancy equipment; just get outside and walk! Some people like to go for a bike ride, while others prefer to garden. Swimming is also relaxing and easy on your joints, yet gives you a great total body workout. Whatever your something is, make it something you enjoy. How many times have you heard people say (or have said it yourself), "I have to go to the gym" as if someone is forcing them (you) to go. Gyms are not the only place you can go to get a good workout and feel good about yourself! Find a trail to walk on, go to the park, dig out those rollerblades you haven't used in ____ years, ride your bike with your kids, mow the lawn. My 92 year-old grandmother still goes out and takes her daily walk (or walks on the treadmill when the weather is bad). Whatever you want to do that's physically active will help improve your well-being, reduce stress, and help you feel good about your body. Personally, I like to vary my workouts so I include some strengthening exercises and yoga to supplement my triathlon training and running. Getting involved in activities like triathlon or even running a 5K is fun because there are so many other people involved and all that positive energy rubs off on you! And people in these races come in all shapes and sizes. It is just great to see people out doing something healthy and fun. In the end, it really doesn't matter what you do, just that you get up and move!

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