Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dear Coffee,

I fear that we must part ways at last. It's really not you... it's me. You are rich, exhilarating, and wonderful in every way. It's just that I realize the only thing I truly like about you is the sweet stuff I add to you every morning. Then, once I have a sugary taste, I crave more sugar as the day goes on and that's just not what I'm looking for right now. So I say farewell for now and thank you for all you've given me. Perhaps we'll meet again after we have another child. Adieu.



  1. You are a stronger person then me!!! I have been trying to give up coffee forever!!! I ease my mind by the fact that it usually is the only sugar I have in the day, but it is the gate way!!! :) I will someday be where you are :)

  2. Well, let's be honest here ladies. I have attempted this before with limited success. However, I feel that if it is in writing for all the world to see, I have a little more pressure on myself to stick with it! :)
