Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Not enough time

I frequently hear people talk about how rushed they are and how they barely have time to breathe, let alone prepare healthy, home cooked meals for their families. A friend of mine even shared a story about another mother she was talking with. She said the mother told her that she can't be bothered with slicing up vegetables; that she just doesn't have the time. As I listened to this I wondered, really? Really?

You may be thinking, well it's easy for you, Karin, to have the time to prepare home cooked meals for your family. You are a full time mother with a child who takes a three hour nap in the afternoon. You can slice your vegetables then. This may be true, but I wasn't always a stay at home mom. I worked full time in my "former" life but still went out of my way to prepare healthy meals because I knew how important it was for myself and my husband. And really, when it comes down to it, how much time does it actually take to slice up a head of broccoli-- three minutes? Even the busiest of people can find three minutes in their day to be proactive about their health.

When I hear people complain about their lack of time I have to wonder: where does the lack of time actually exist? And are we keeping our priorities in line? I have actually read people's posts on Facebook that say they are so so busy. (Um, suggestion... take a break from Facebook. You'd be amazed at the time you gain in a day!). Do you really need to watch three hours of TV a night? Do you really need to text for an hour with a friend you could just call instead and talk for ten minutes? Do you really need to update your blog again... oh wait. Maybe you do. :) But my point is, when you think you don't have enough time to prepare healthy food for yourself and your family, step back and make sure your priorities are straight. Your email can wait; your health cannot.

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