Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Here are four crazy things I've heard people say in the past week...

1. "After all, french fries are vegetables."

2. "The only way I can get my son to eat strawberries is to load 'em up with sugar."

3. "Ketchup... that's with tomatoes, right? So it's a vegetable."

4. Mom A: "So I had to force her to eat the broccoli!" (Said in a disbelieving tone).
Mom B: "What were you and ______ (husband's name) eating?"
Mom A: "Pizza. We don't like broccoli."

Each of these statements was uttered by mothers of both small and grown children. 15% of children are overweight or obese in this country and that number is growing. We have to educate ourselves on nutritional information, if not for ourselves then for the sake of our kids. With statements like the ones above being made (in all seriousness), it is no wonder heart disease and Type 2 diabetes is growing among our youth. MUCH more to come on this topic from me. Stay tuned.


  1. This drives me crazy!!! I love my veggies and do not understand how one can look at a fried anything and call it a vegatable. I've listened to my friends time and time again say to their chidren. 'Do you want to try this ____ ? You might not like it.' Just give it to the kid and let them decide for themselves. UGH!!!
    I'm enjoying this blog. Keep it up!! Luvs it!!

  2. Ugh these things drive me crazy as well!!! On the TV show "Food Revolution" There was a school that served french fries as their vegetable!!!! I was totally blown away by that!!
