Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrect Yourself

Today is Easter, the day on which Christians believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead to live in eternal life. Throughout the years, other traditions have been attached to Easter including the celebration of new life (really just a metaphor for the story of Jesus), the changing of the seasons from the dead of winter to the blooming and growth of spring, and, of course, every kid's favorite--the Easter bunny hiding eggs and bringing chocolate!

Regardless of what you believe about Easter, every person on the planet can really see themselves as a metaphor for the story of Jesus. We all experience difficulties, challenges, our own crucifixions, if you will. We may be going through such events in our lives right now. The wonderful part of this metaphor is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Challenging circumstances have so much to teach us once we are able to reflect on what we are going through. And then when that light comes, it can truly feel like new life!

The important thing to remember is that all growth comes from challenge, whether you are talking about improving your physical fitness or getting through a serious illness. Today I heard a story of a snake shedding its own skin several times a year in order to be "reborn," to change and to improve. While a snake is not my favorite creature, the analogy made sense to me. We continually have to shed our skins, overcome our challenges, to resurrect ourselves to a new life, a happy life, a healthy life. I have a hard time realizing the most important part of this growth sometimes--that is, growth is an ongoing process that goes on in different forms for your entire life. You don't shed one skin and call it a day. You face challenges to help you evolve into a more complete person. They may seem brutal when you are going through them, but you will be stronger, wiser, and more confident for having faced them and come through on the other side.

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