Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's What's for Breakfast

People will often ask me what I eat for breakfast as a vegan since I try to avoid eggs and breakfast meats. Now, I am a huge fan of breakfast so I like to take the time to put together a fairly substantial meal. I realize some of you don't like to eat much in the morning so you can always adjust based on your body's own needs. But study after study shows how important it is to eat breakfast! Try it out and you will feel more complete throughout the day.

So the picture above shows my tofu scramble. Last night, I sliced up onions, peppers and mushrooms so I didn't have to do it this morning. I sautéed these veggies first and then crumbled some tofu on top, continuing to cook the mixture for about five minutes. I also added a little Italian seasoning and pepper for some extra flavor. Topping it off with 1/2 an avocado will add some healthy fats and delicious taste to the mix! Today was a running day for me so I also had Ezekial toast with peanut butter so I am not starving in a few hours (I am always more hungry throughout the day when I start with a run). Finishing this off with a clementine makes the breakfast complete.

I must admit, I am definitely a morning person so the thought of putting a full breakfast together is fine with me. But even with an early run, followed by a shower and making breakfast for CJ, I still had plenty of time to put this all together. When you slice up the veggies the night before, the morning work for this meal literally takes 7 minutes. Not as fast as putting a pop tart in the toaster, but a heck of a lot healthier!

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