Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back in (Veggie) Business

Alright everyone, let's get this show on the road.

It's been well over a year since I last wrote something on this blog. While much has happened (and not happened) in the interim, I have decided that today is going to be the day to return to the energy, the vitality, the health that inspired this blog in the first place. Today is my son's first day in a new school and it's my first day back in veggie grad school!

When Brian and I undertook our initial Crazy Sexy Diet cleanse in 2011, we learned a whole lot of amazing information about how to take care of ourselves and how to feel amazing through nutrition. Our eating and exercising was stellar during that cleanse and the results were highly encouraging. It's easy to want to continue eating like a veggie rock star when you know how good it makes you feel. But real life also gets in the way. Over the past year and a half, we moved to a new house, Brian's responsibilities at work increased, we did a lot of traveling and we splurged a little more than we had before.

Now, these are all wonderful life changes and are nothing to complain about! We are truly thankful for everything we have in our life. And believe me, I am all about splurging and enjoying the yumminess that is, say, a slice of New York pizza. What I want to do with Healthy For Life this time around, is to refocus and regain that sense of vitality and health that we knew so well. I'm writing this to inspire myself, my family, and hopefully you to live your best and happiest life! I also want to contribute something positive to the blogosphere when there can be a lot of negativity lurking around.

So sit back, buckle your seat belts, pour yourself a green juice and enjoy the flight!

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