Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Friday, August 23, 2013


In the past several years, a lot of information has been coming out about the role of inflammation in contributing to illness and disease. This article from cardiac surgeon, Dr. Dwight Lundell, talks about how inflammation may be a bigger contributor to heart disease than commonly-blamed cholesterol. Regardless of which is more of a factor in heart problems, eating a veggie rich, plant-based diet causes both inflammation and cholesterol to drop!


Now that I have been following a vegetarian diet for almost four years, I've learned to tune into the signs my body gives me regarding what makes it feel good and what doesn't. One thing I tend to notice is that when I eat a lot of cheese, bread, and white flour pasta (and not enough vegetables and fruit) in a given week, my joints tend to feel achy, my stomach gets bloated, and I have an overall sense of lethargy. That's how I felt coming into this week. Starting this past Monday, I've been really consistent with juicing, eating big salads and eliminating dairy. My energy levels are up, my workouts feel better and I've even dropped a couple of the pounds I put on throughout the summer. Proof that a plant based diet agrees better with my body!

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