Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Cleanse

So tomorrow is Day One of our 21-day Crazy Sexy Diet cleanse. Brian and I are both doing it and, by default, most of Christopher's meals will be pretty alkaline too. When I initially read through the Kris Carr book, I thought I would follow the cleanse to a T, but upon further examination, I was getting pretty overwhelmed. I felt as though I would be spending a whole lot of time in front of the juicer every day. So in the spirit of Kris Carr, I am making it my own and having some fun with it (not sure if Brian agrees about the "fun" part yet!). Here are the goals for the next 21 days...

1. Eliminate coffee and diet soda (or any kind of soda, juice, for that matter); also no alcohol

2. Eat gluten free for the next 21 days

3. Consume no sugar unless it is the sugar found in fruits

4. Consume no processed foods or animal products (this last part is easiest for us since we've already cut out the majority of animal products; eggs just might be the hardest).

5. Forgive ourselves if we slip up!

I'm feeling a little nervous but also very excited about this journey. I'm especially excited because Brian is choosing to do it with me (no I didn't bribe him in any way!) and it's always easier to do things as a family. Eliminating all of these "fun" foods for the next three weeks may seem pretty lame and it may seems like our diets will be really, well, boring. But I cannot wait to see how we both feel once the pH of our body starts to balance out and become more alkaline. I already know how I felt last year when I stopped drinking coffee, limited my wine consumption, and ate a really healthy diet. This cleanse takes it a step further by making it really alkaline and also gluten-free. We have our own personal reasons for taking on this challenge and I have a feeling we will all benefit!

I'll keep you updated about how we are doing and give you some sample menus of the meals we are eating. Wish us luck!

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