Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Juicer

After being so inspired by Crazy Sexy Diet, we went ahead and purchased a juicer to add to our kitchen appliances. And actually, it is replacing my coffee maker as we are about to embark on the CSD 21 day cleanse. We ordered one of the Brielle models (don't ask which one; they all have crazy model numbers that I can never remember!) mostly because the reviews were positive, especially about ease of cleaning. This afternoon, the juicer made it's debut! More on that in a minute.

Previously, I have heard and read about the benefits of juicing, but also the drawbacks (no fiber, goes directly into the bloodstream, etc) and have been curious for a while. Kris Carr talks about the blood sugar issues in her book and most, if not all, of her recipes and juice suggestions include low glycemic veggies and fruits that have minimal effect. She's been juicing like this for 8 years now and it seems to be working for her!

Anyway, when I told my son that we would now have a juicer in the kitchen, he was very excited because for him, juice is a treat he only gets once in a while. Usually we're talking about apple juice or orange juice (which this juicer makes too; mmmm, fresh squeezed OJ!) so I figured cucumber-green apple-celery-romaine lettuce-sprout juice would be a shock for him. I didn't have high hopes, despite the fact that he's a good eater. Well, it appears that I am going to be stocking up on bulk veggies because this boy LOVES his green juice! "This is really good, Mommy" he said to me after finishing his first sip. "I want more please!" This mother could not have been more proud that my boy was drinking this yummy goodness. :)

I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of the juice and am now looking forward to beginning the 21 day cleanse. You know, it's amazing. Whenever I eat or drink something made from completely earth-made ingredients, I feel incredibly clean and healthy. It makes me wonder why, upon knowing such a feeling, we don't make green choices for our food all the time.

Eat your veggies everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. When I got my Kindle one of the free books to download was Crazy Sexy Cancer, and I downloaded the book. I had remembered her from her documentary. Needless to say when I saw this new book I ran out to buy it only to be shot down a couple of times. I have it now and I plan on doing the cleanse. I love the book and Kris Carr is a true inspiration. I'm happy to hear Chris likes the Green juice, beacuse I am nervous about drinking it and not coffee. Since it has his seal of approval I'm in for sure now. Goodluck on your juice journey!!
