Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The aftermath

So I took part in an inadvertent experiment today.

Actually, it took place last night and into today. We finished the cleanse on Saturday. I ate very well on Sunday, even though we didn't make any green juices that day. Sunday evening, we went out and had Indian food (which was fabulous... and vegan) as well as a glass of wine. The wine threw me for a loop but didn't bother me too much.

Today, my mom and I brought Christopher to a coffee house/indoor gym and I grabbed a foo-foo butterfinger espresso drink with soy milk. As soon as I had that, I knew it was a mistake. While it tasted good, it was so sweet and rich and wreaked havoc on my stomach. Later in the afternoon, I made my chocolate-chocolate chip vegan cookies for a couple events we have coming up this weekend and of course I had to sample one or two as well as the batter. The whole rest of the day up until this very moment, I have felt weak, shaky, and just generally crappy.

And so I come back to the fact that none of this surprises me. I think my body reacted more extremely to the caffeine and sugar because of how alkaline we had been eating for the past three weeks. But it affected me just the same and it amazes me again how the food choices we make influence the way we feel mentally and physically. When you are just eating the way you always have without paying attention, you might not notice, as I would not have in the past. But my body is more sensitive especially now, and I am going to listen to it and give it what it needs! Green juice anybody?

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