Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.
—Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Great Outdoors

We have had a few absolutely gorgeous days here in eastern Kansas and Christopher and I (and Kasey, our dog) have been spending time outside enjoying the weather. I think a big part of being healthy is spending time each day outdoors. I know it's not always easy, and it can be downright impossible when it's 0 degrees, snowing and windy. But whenever you can, get out to a place where you can see the trees and feel the fresh air.

You don't even have to live in the middle of nowhere to reap nature's benefits. Cities are filled with parks and green space; even small spots work! It's incredible the difference you notice in yourself when you spend time in nature. Here are some observations of my own feelings and what I see in Christopher when we spend a few minutes or a few hours outside...

  • We are both much more relaxed.
  • Any forms of stress that existed melt away and this effect seems to last for a long time after being outside.
  • Our bodies get exercise! For a little, energetic boy this is critical! We go to a trail and he just RUNS. 
  • We slow down more (after the running of course) and take in more details than we do when distracted by normal life... the moss on the ground, the woodpeckers in the tree, as many rocks as a certain someone can fit in his pocket, the snake in the garden... Our powers of observation are sharpened. 
  • We have a ton to talk about. I can't tell you how many conversations are sparked by our hikes or refer back to one of our visits to the trail.
  • We feel more connected to the rhythms and cycles of nature and the seasons. 
All of these effects are so important to a healthy life. You can eat all the fruits and veggies you want, but if you are stressed out because you are running from here to there, holding grudges against others, constantly checking the news updates, you will not get the chance to breathe, relax, and let go, even if it is for a few short minutes. It is so important! 

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